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Logo Present Perfect

of training
100% soft skills

The more digital we become, the more we need
of being human.


MAY 2024


MAY 2024

Our training courses


Collaborate , exchange and develop
your skills together

Strengthen your employees' engagement in
e-learning by providing personalized team coaching sessions.

Plan d'un bureau avec un ordinateur, une tableete et un smartphone avec l'écran d'accueil de nos formations

Our solution

A 100% dedicated training library
to learning soft skills. A tool
comprehensive HR learning and management
And much more...

They trust us


They talk about us

"On behalf of the whole team, a big thank you to Present Perfect and especially to Laure, for this training that left its mark! Everyone loved it: pragmatic, useful and in a very good atmosphere!"

Celine Augat
Marketing Group Manager (Kenzo Parfums)

Our customers testify

Our certifications

Everything DiSC Certified DISCERNYS.png
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A sudden desire to improve your skills?

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